
Fundraising Calendars- Flashy versus Classic

Fundraising Calendars: Flashy versus Classic

One of the more common battles that the designer wages upon himself or herself when creating fundraising calendars is the struggle of being flashy versus being classic with the theme. There is always a need to be flashy with some fundraising calendars if you need to stand out from the crowd. However, there is also a need to use some classic themes and calendar layouts to be sure that people actually accept and buy your prints.

In this special article, we will discuss the pros and cons of being flashy and classic with your custom calendar designs. Hopefully by the end, you should be able to decide exactly what kind of calendar you need for your fundraising campaign.

The need to be flashy – The most common need for fundraising calendars is to be flashy. This is the case because you will of course want those calendars to look more than just those common commercial calendars out there. It is best to be unique, original and noticeable with fundraising calendars so that people can easily spot them, like them and ultimately quickly buy them. That is why a lot of people print fundraising calendars that are really flashy and innovative to succeed in their campaigns.

The risk of being flashy – The real risks of being flashy with a fundraising calendar is in the impact. A flashy design can sometimes not satisfy everyone. In fact, some flashy designs can downright offend some market demographics while please others. For example, a sexy and provocative calendar collection of beautiful women will be great for a male audience, but women will not be really keen about it and find it even sexist sometimes. It might be flashy but it also offends half your market. So you should test out the impact of your flashy calendars always or face the consequences of certain negative reactions to it.

The benefits of classic designs – The great thing about classic designs is of course the level of assurance that they give to you. Classic or traditional designs basically have proven time and time again that they work, whatever the case for color calendars. Cute pictures of animals, babies and wonderful inspirational landscapes are mainstays of classic designs. You will always have a market for custom calendars like this, so you will know that your investment into fundraising calendars will bear fruit every time with these kinds of themes.

The risks of classic design – The downside of a classic design is in the competition. Other custom calendars are also adopting the classic themes for their layouts. This means that your own classic calendar theme will be up against other custom calendars of a similar nature. If you are not unique enough with the interpretation of your classic themes and designs, you run the risk of having your own color calendars getting ignored in favor of the ones that are more interesting. This of course will not bode well for fundraising.

Deciding appropriately – So how do we make sense of these pros and cons? Well, it is really all about how good you are at designing. If you think you are talented or you do have a talented person working for you, then it is good to risk going for a more flashy design. This will help you maximize the returns of selling your fundraising calendars with increased attention from customers.

However, if you are truly new to designing color calendars and you don’t have the money to hire a talented layout artist, then I suggest you go for the classic or traditional themes. This will at least make sure that you do get decent returns from your investment without really risking too much.

Great! Hopefully now, you can make sense of what really is best for your fundraising calendars. Choose wisely.

